Nano Particles in Lubes
Usually, nano based technology is a technology based on particles or structures in nano-metric scale. One nano-meter is one billionth of a meter.

If you were connected to the social media in the recent years or the Technology and science magazines you probably heard the word "Nano". Nano means small, very small. Actually, it means nano-meter. Usually, nano based technology is a technology based on particles or structures in nano-metric scale. One nano-meter is one billionth of a meter.
The use of such small particles in our products is mainly in our Eco-Nano Lube for wet or dry conditions. Those nano scale particles are part of the formulation and gives the extra miles for the lubes.
The nano particles are shaped as plates and there is billions on those plates in every drop. The nano-plates with the lube creates a thin coating on the bicycle chain that drastically reduces the wearing and friction of the metal. When the chain links moves against each other's the nano plates roll one on each other as small bearing balls.
There is no doubt that the nano particles helps to extend the chains life and reduces the usage of lube every rider is consume (up to 3 times more mileage compare to standard chain lube).